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Sabuh Mas
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Sabuh Mas

Sabuh Mas is a Balinese holiday set aside for the worship of Mahadeva, where they ask for blessings of various precious metals, jewellery and wealth and occurs every 210 days.

It is interesting to note the derivation of the name’s meaning; Sabuh means ‘belt’, while Mas translates to ‘gold’ in the local language. As such, the direct meaning of this holiday is ‘gold belt’.

Sabuh Mas, 2024 Hindu Holiday & Festival Celebrations Bali Dates

Locals honour the significance of this day by making various offerings to a deposit box or by presenting their jewellery box to a temple in honour of the day’s celebrations.

The aim of doing this is to show appreciation to Mahadewa for one’s property and earthly possessions. It is about showing gratitude for clothing, jewellery, home, cash, gold and silver. It is also a reminder of the need to be prudent when spending money.

This mantra is derived from the belief of Sabuh Mas, which stipulates that cloth, gold, and other possessions are the fourth most important things in human life. These activities are followed by the local people asking for divine guidance in acquiring their wealth and property.

This sacred day is observed every 210 days and is part of the Saraswati celebrations. Various rituals are held at different temples across Bali, and visitors can be part of Sabuh Mas by respecting the locals’ religion and adhering to religious ethics when visiting the temples. This includes wearing appropriate attire, such as a sarong to cover your legs and ensuring tops cover shoulders and midriffs.

About the author

Michael Jones

Michael created and runs the Bali Travel Hub website, as well as the Holiday Point travel brand that incorporates a network of 16 location based travel information and attraction websites around Australia, Asia, and around the world.

With 25+ years of online experience and a passion for travel (having travelled to Bali many times and staying in different locations on the Island), Michael not only researches and writes content for the website, he also tinkers behind the scenes with the website functionality & design.

Please reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.

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What date is the Sabuh Mas?
Where is the Sabuh Mas located?
What is the Sabuh Mas address?
Ceremonies are conducted at temples and villages around the Island, Bali, Indonesia

Please visit our website for more information on the Sabuh Mas.
What are the Sabuh Mas entry prices?

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